by REV. BROTHER HERMENEGILD JOSEPH FERNANDEZ 1976 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, Sri Lanka This article was written by 1976 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee REV. BROTHER HERMENEGILD JOSEPH FERNANDEZ exclusively for the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation. It first appeared in the book...
Beyond the Award: Things That Changed in the Indian Police Force in 1994

Beyond the Award: Things That Changed in the Indian Police Force in 1994

by KIRAN BEDI 1994 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, India “Twenty-two years ago, when I decided to join the elite Indian Police Service, I saw in it a great potential for the “power to do,” the “power to get things done,” and the “power to correct.” I do firmly believe that...
Why Access to Clean Water and Sanitation Matters

Why Access to Clean Water and Sanitation Matters

Clean water and sanitation challenges are on the rise, affecting both children and adults. Studies reveal that contaminated water and poor sanitation are leading causes of death for children. But it does not stop there—communities can also be affected, resulting in...
5 Things You Probably Do Not Know About ASEAN

5 Things You Probably Do Not Know About ASEAN

The ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS, known as ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok when the foreign ministers of Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines signed the document which would be known as the ASEAN Declaration. ASEAN...