News and Events
RESPONSE: 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee TADATOSHI AKIBA "I believe the problem of nuclear weapons will prove to be the decisive issue of our times. I do not claim that it is more important than any of the myriad other global problems we face. Certainly, our environmental problems...
RESPONSE: 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee MA. VICTORIA CARPIO BERNIDO "The joy you share with us today, your support and prayers, spur us on to work with renewed zeal, hope and faith, even as we face with excitement the many new results in the neurosciences that would usher in profound...
RESPONSE: 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee EVA FIDELA MAAMO, SPC "In truth and in essence, an award for community leadership does not belong to any one person alone but rightfully to the community as a whole." 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee SR. EVA FIDELA MAAMO, SPC accepts Asia's Premier...
RESPONSE: 1998 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee CORAZON AQUINO
RESPONSE: 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee HUO DAISHAN "I hope by doing so, the farmers in these villages, who are the innocent victims of pollution, will understand our Magsaysay Award from a much closer distance, and feel its impact in their own lives." 2010 Ramon Magsaysay...
RESPONSE: 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee MAHASWETA DEVI "I will have sense of fulfillment of more and more young writers took to unbeaten tracks. My India still lives behind a curtain of darkness. A curtain that separates the mainstream society from the poor and the deprived. But...
RESPONSE: 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee SADAKO OGATA "The fact that this award is being given for international understanding is particularly gratifying. Understanding of the refugee problem is crucial to finding solutions. Understanding is one the links in a chain of actions,...
RESPONSE: 1998 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee NUON PHALY
"It is the obsession of my life to serve the underprivileged of humanity, especially women and children, and to extend to them the recognition and the rights they deserve. I accept this award on behalf of Cambodian women and children who have been the most oppressed...
RESPONSE: 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee CHRISTOPHER BERNIDO "The importance of paying special attention to the less privileged cannot be overemphasized since many of the giants in science and mathematics come from their ranks." 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee CHRISTOPHER BERNIDO accepts...
RESPONSE: 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee MAHESH CHANDER MEHTA "We must all arise in unison to ace the challenges before us to seek redressal of the present situation. A different mind-set and approach are required to creatively deal with the problems facing Asian nations. The struggle...
RESPONSE: 1997 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee ANAND PANYARACHUN
RESPONSE: 1998 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee SYED RIZVI
"This award has propelled me and my colleagues at the SIUT to consolidate and expand our work being mindful of future generations. Let it never be said by them that indifference, cynicism and selfishness made us fail to live up to the ideal of humanism which the...